29. apr. 2009

The duck fell out of the pond...

I just logged on to it's learning, and found a message that was sent to all the people in my class. It was from our gymteacher, and she wrote something about our test tomorrow. And when I'm saying "test" and talking about gymnastics, you'll probably think that we're having a running-test or something. Sadly, you're wrong.
Because tomorrow, in our gymlessons, my class is going to get a paper and a pen, answer some stupid questions from 70 pages of our gymbook. Yes, we have a gymbook. I know that's not the right name for it, but I call it a gymbook..
My point is that I can't understand why we have to have a test like that in gym. Gym, for me, is fun, sweaty and supposed to be hard work for something other than the brain, which we get to train all week in all our other lessons in school. I hate this.

And if you haven't guessed it yet; the title has nothing to do with the text.

Paul, write about girls for me!
My task was to write about something more interesting then hippos, but is there something more interesting then hippos? They are cute and they look funny! I once watched a program about two people who had a hippo as a pet, she was really cute and she behaved like a cross of a dog and a human. She could open doors and she slept in a bed (well that was until the bed broke because of her weight).
Well, what ever! Im not going to write more about hippos.I have decided to write about (well, Brit Mari had to tell me what to write about) my taste in music. Mostly i listen to rock and alternative, but other than that I like music that has a text with content. I love to just stare out in the air and forgett everything about anything and anyone. Just listen to to the music that comes out of my slightly busted ipod.

My favourite bands at the time are Three days grace, Foo fighters and The killers and of course Linkin Park. The song that is on my brain right now is Given up, by Linkin Park. My interpretation of the song is that it's about a person who feels alone and scared and that there is no one who sees him/her, that no one can see how frustrated he/she feels.

My music goes after my mood. When i just want to relaxe and don't think about anything I listen to the most noisy music i have. A bit wierd I know, but it helps. It kinda puches the thaughts away. In some periodes I listen to music all the time, and other days I don't listen to music at all. My mom hates my music, she thinks it's to loud and noisy. So when I'm home alone, the first thing I do is to set the music as high as it gets and sing out!

I think I need a new ipod. And I know why to. It had been in the washing machine! Tadaaaaa...And don't how it managet to get there. It's a mystery!

Now I callenge Gina to write about snowboarding! Good luck :)

26. apr. 2009

What we can't see.

I'd like to write about something important in my first blog (actually my first blog EVER). Or at least I think it's important. Even though it has no smell, no sounds or colours. It's invisible. And you might think: Well, it can't be THAT important if you can't even see it, which are the exact same words the astronaut used when he spoke to the priest. It goes without saying that they had a different approach to every question in life, but still the astronaut pronounced his question rather firmly. - How can you believe in God, he said, when you have never seen him? The priest answered quietly. - You sure have a good point there, but I believe that my God is just as real as your thoughts, dear man, and I haven't SEEN them lately...

Enough of this story. My point is this: invisible issues are essential to human beings. Especially motivation and inspiration fascinates me deeply. Most of the people I admire have an incredible drive! It's like som people have found the key, but as I study this topic further I find few similarities. What makes one person tick and burn, makes another fall a sleep. Zzzzzzzzzzz...

I mean, what REALLY inspires you? Is it a vision of your dream?Words? Or maybe a particular person? A few weeks ago I came across this on youtube. Take a look at it and see if it affects you...


17. apr. 2009

Tweet Tweet....

As you all might have heard, Twitter is the fastest growing internet application this spring. All of a sudden everybody is twittering about what they are doing. For those of you who haven't yet been swept up in the twitter stream, Twitter is basically a microblogging tool with a social networking function. Basically you follow different people, and they can choose to follow you, and then you twitter about what you are doing in 140 characters or less (kinda like the status update in facebook).

So, what do people twitter about? Well, some use it just to tell people about what's going on throughout the day. However most people use it to connect with people who share the same intrests as themselves. Through twitter they can share information about things they come across on the internet, or even update people about news as it happens. This was the case for an American student who was in Egypt to protest against their government. When he and his translator got arrested he managed to twitter the word "arrested" from his cell phone on the way to jail. This message reached everyone who followed him on twitter, and very quickly word started spreading through the bloggosphere and people were kept informed about how things were progressing. Like he said "The most important thing on my mind was to let someone know where we were so that there would be some record of it ... so we couldn't [disappear]," Buck said. "As long as someone knew where we were, I felt like they couldn't do their worst [to us] because someone, at some point, would be checking in on them."

Of course, not all twitter stories are as dramatic as this one. Ashton Kutcher, the American actor has been an eager twitterer for a while, and he actually just passed 1 000 000 followers today. For him, and a lot of the other celebreties twitter can be used instead of or in addition to press contacts, and whenever something new happens in their career they can release that information themselves. Other celebrities that are twittering at the moment include Britney Spears, Ellen Degeneres, Puff Daddy and apparently Oprah Winfrey will be twittering her first tweet live on her next show.

Closer to home, we can now actually follow or own prime mininster on twitter, and more politicians will probably start twittering the closer we get to the next election.

So, what do I twitter about? Well, if you post your twittername in TwitterSheep it will generate a wordcloud of the most used words amongst your group of twitterers. Here's my wordcloud....Look interesting?
...maybe I need more celebrities in my twitterstream to liven things up.

Anyways, a final warning. Twitter can quickly become quite addictive. Jennifer Aniston apparently just dumped her boyfriend because he spent to much time twittering. Below you can watch what happens as a young man struggles against the pressure to Twitter his life away:-)

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16. apr. 2009

An animal that I really hate

I really love animals, specials animals, like tarantella and turtles. But I have one animal that I really hate, and that's cow. They are so ugly with theire big eyes and theire long tongue. The truth is that I am scared of them. I'm not the tallest person in this world, so they are very huge for me. And they have big legs, which can kick me! I think cows should be small, with small kind eyes. Not big blue eyes. Cows should be pink, with purple eyes. They would been more lovely then. And they should also have theire own name only for cows. Because I wouldn't like if someone called a cow up after me! A big disguesting cow with big BIG eyes, and long ugly tongue and someone called it Wendy. I think that cow is really ugly and I really hate them. They are going around the farmer and eat. I can't tell you why I hate them, it is just that I do. And I have always hate them.
I have to tag someone and that would be Tobias, and you are gonna write about why you wanne studie in USA.

14. apr. 2009


My Easter Holiday
I was one of the chosen ones to write about something in our English blog this time. Sooo I'm going to write about my Easter Holiday.

Of course I had to get the flue in the beginning of the holiday and I had to visit the doctor and get some antibiotics, because I had also gotten an inflammation of the throat.
On Friday my two brothers, Ola and Jone came home from Bergen. At Saturday morning Hege, Hege’s mother and I went shopping in Haugesund. Later that day my cousins Siri, Endre, Magnus and my uncle came to visit us. On Sunday morning Siri and I went for a walking trip to Nordstøldalen. On Monday we went to visit a friend in Sauda and watched some movies.

At Tuesday Endre, Magnus and my uncle went back home. On Wednesday my other cousins from Bergen, Andreas, Johannes and their parents came to stay at my grandmother’s place.

On Maundy Thursday, Siri, Andreas, Johannes, my uncle and I went for a skiing trip in Slettedalen. When we had parked the car it started raining, so we had to sit and wait until the weather was better. After a little while it stopped raining and we started the trip. After a while we decided to find a place where we could eat, and of course it had to start raining again, so we sat for a short time before we packed our things and went back home again.
Later the same day I sang with my choir in Sauda. Afterwards we went to my grandmother’s place and ate cakes and watched the movie “Hairspray”.

At Saturday my cousins, uncle and aunt went home to Bergen. Later that day my mother and father, my brother Ola and I went to Ola’s fiancée and her parents in Aksdal. On Sunday I was just chilling out with watching TV and did some homework. On Monday Hege and I went to the cinema in Sauda and watched the movie “Menn som hater kvinner”.

I tag Wendy. Write about a animal that disqust you.

13. apr. 2009

Oh my God, UPDATES!

I didn't remember this blog thing. I think I am one of those who forget those important things and remembers those non-important stuff. That's kind of sad, actually.

Since this is the last day of vacation I'm going to write about the hippopotamus, just because the spelling is awesome. I was sitting for an hour waiting for inspiration to hit me but... The hippo is what I came up with at the end.

The hippopotamus is a large animal who is living in Africa. It eats a lot of plants and stuff but it can get aggressive and attack human beings as well as other disturbing animals and eat them if they feels hungry enough. I like to think of the hippo as a cute animal with a lot of fat. But it is in fact an angry thing with a lot of fat. You should've seen my face when I got to know they were dangerous...

The hippo isn't very pretty. It looks kind of like a gigantic misshaped rock or something. With some half pink spots here and there. It weighs about 1500–1800 kg and it's 1,5 meters high and 4,5 meters long. That is huge, you know that right? It is really hard to weigh the wild ones though. I can see myself walk to one of them and try not to get devoured. If I'd manage that I would have to do what? Lift the ponderous thing on a weigh? Yeah sure, no problem.

Their mouths is really disgusting. It's all wrinkly and pink and it could have looked like a gigantic pillow. But that pillow would've eaten you and wouldn't be a nice end of the vacation would it?

The eyes, ears, and nostrils of hippos are placed high on the roof of the head and that is because of the water. It allows them to look over the water with their big, fat bodies burried under it. It is to prevent sunburns and stay cool.

The hippopotamus gets too old for it's own good. The average age is between 40 and 50 years and really, what so they do in those years? They eat and sleeps. That's basically it. I don't like the hippo anymore. Do you?

I tag Elise. She has to write about something a bit more interesting than me! :D

1. apr. 2009

Write a couple of words

So, I have among others asked Anja and Hanne to post an entry on this english blog of ours. I think they most have forgotten, but Anita has been so kind posting a interesting text about the foreign students and what they have to go through.
Since the activity more or less has been ..quite bad, I just have to demand people to post an entry - just to take the activity on this blog to an higher level.
Basically, this is just an random selection of students in class 1STA - B and 1IFA.

Malene - Write about your plans for the holidays
Brede - Write about your favourite footballteam

Eli - Subject optional
Maria L - Subject optional
Ingrid - Subject optional

You do not have to write a long and serious entry where you use a couple of hours just checking for gramatical erras. And you are free to use all picture with a creative common license. Also, feel free to give each other tasks to write about, that of coure is optional.

Btw, the one that post the most entries will be "The Writer of April" and will get a special suprise from me.