I'd like to write about something important in my first blog (actually my first blog EVER). Or at least I think it's important. Even though it has no smell, no sounds or colours. It's invisible. And you might think: Well, it can't be THAT important if you can't even see it, which are the exact same words the astronaut used when he spoke to the priest. It goes without saying that they had a different approach to every question in life, but still the astronaut pronounced his question rather firmly. - How can you believe in God, he said, when you have never seen him? The priest answered quietly. - You sure have a good point there, but I believe that my God is just as real as your thoughts, dear man, and I haven't SEEN them lately...
Enough of this story. My point is this: invisible issues are essential to human beings. Especially
motivation and
inspiration fascinates me deeply. Most of the people I admire have an incredible
drive! It's like som people have found the key, but as I study this topic further I find few similarities. What makes one person tick and burn, makes another fall a sleep. Zzzzzzzzzzz...
I mean, what REALLY inspires you? Is it a vision of your dream?Words? Or maybe a particular person? A few weeks ago I came across this on youtube. Take a look at it and see if it affects you...
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