Since this is the last day of vacation I'm going to write about the hippopotamus, just because the spelling is awesome. I was sitting for an hour waiting for inspiration to hit me but... The hippo is what I came up with at the end.
The hippopotamus is a large animal who is living in Africa. It eats a lot of plants and stuff but it can get aggressive and attack human beings as well as other disturbing animals and eat them if they feels hungry enough. I like to think of the hippo as a cute animal with a lot of fat. But it is in fact an angry thing with a lot of fat. You should've seen my face when I got to know they were dangerous...
The hippo isn't very pretty. It looks kind of like a gigantic misshaped rock or something. With some half pink spots here and there. It weighs about 1500–1800 kg and it's 1,5 meters high and 4,5 meters long. That is huge, you know that right? It is really hard to weigh the wild ones though. I can see myself walk to one of them and try not to get devoured. If I'd manage that I would have to do what? Lift the ponderous thing on a weigh? Yeah sure, no problem.
Their mouths is really disgusting. It's all wrinkly and pink and it could have looked like a gigantic pillow. But that pillow would've eaten you and wouldn't be a nice end of the vacation would it?
The eyes, ears, and nostrils of hippos are placed high on the roof of the head and that is because of the water. It allows them to look over the water with their big, fat bodies burried under it. It is to prevent sunburns and stay cool.
The hippopotamus gets too old for it's own good. The average age is between 40 and 50 years and really, what so they do in those years? They eat and sleeps. That's basically it. I don't like the hippo anymore. Do you?

I tag Elise. She has to write about something a bit more interesting than me! :D
I reaaaaaally want a hippo pillow! Want to make me one?
Yeah sure. I just have to chop of the head of the hippo I have in my pocket ;D
Then you have to have a huuge pocket. Can you embroider (?) my name on the hippos face? .. or maybe something like "Britt Mari luuuuuuvs her hippo".
I suck to express my humor in english. Bluh..
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