16. nov. 2008

A change we need?

The last six months we’ve heard the same lines over and over; “I’m going to change the United States”, “Together we can change the world”. Barack Obama has a simple, yet enormous slogan. Many skeptics have pointed at this constant repeating as “cheap”: “People won’t buy this, they’re to smart.”

As we all have heard recently, Obama has gotten huge attention in television, in newspaper at the internet etc. Especially young people all over the world have gotten interested. This 2008 election has been followed by the whole world. Why has this election become such a huge happening? Is the US’ position in the world the only reason? Sometimes I think; this is not the election of the US president. This is the election of the president of the world.

If Barack Obama gets the power to change the world; what causes and consequences will his presidential period have? How will the world change? What should Barack Obama do? What will Obama do? What kind of action is Obama capable of? What areas will he focus on? Which areas should he focus on? Will he focus on reducing pollution, reducing poverty or improve cooperation between the world countries? Or will the life of the US citizen be the center of his attention? What changes do you think the world needs? What’s the most important action Obama could do?


Tobias sa...

Some interesting thoughts and questions you have here Bård. Maybe you could try to answer some of them yourself, as for example -why this election has become such a huge happening for everyone?

But of course it isn`t easy to answer most of this questions, and many of them can only the future tell us.

Maria Ljung sa...

I think that these questions are too big for us to think about.
Of course the answers these questions eventually gets, the descisions that will be made, for better or for worse, will affect us in a way.
But as long as nothing has happened yet, I don't think it's important for us to care about it. We'll get the time to worry about it when something actually happens.