I don't think cyberbullying is a very common problem, but it has happened to alot of people. I think this is very tragic and I feel sorry for the children who are exposed to cyberbullying. One of the reasons are that when you get bullyed on the internet, you can't always find the person who is doing this. And especially children, because I think they have a hard time to talk to people about this and they go around and carry on this alone. Many of these children can eventually commit suicide. I think bullying on the web is much more easier instead of doing it face to face with the victim, because then they can say anything they want and not get caught, if you know what I mean. It's very hard to catch these peoples, because they can pretend to be someone else.
To prevent this kind of bullying we can try to get to the source. Maybe if the children told their parents if they were being bullyed and the parents could contact someone to try to find the person who is doing this. I think there is a few people that can hack into the victims computer and find out were this is coming from. This can be used if the parents suspect that their children are being bullyed. Maybe that can stop the cyberbullying.
By Inger Vilde. Next to write the blogg is Therese.
I'm agree with Inger Vilde, but I also think that people schould be more careful before they depose pictures into internet. We don't know what can happen with the pictures, and I think this is one of the parts of the ways how cyberbullying start.
- Hanne 1STA
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